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Oil on the Wounds: A Contemporary Examination of the Effects of Divorce and Abortion on Children and Their Families


Oil on the Wounds: A Contemporary Examination of the Effects of Divorce and Abortion on Children and Their Families


Although it is not always recognized, the damage left by a divorce or an abortion can be devastating. These actions have not only physical consequences, but psychological and spiritual ones as well. No individual or family comes out of either experience unharmed. Recently, the Pontifical John Paul II Institute’s International Congress, comprised of the world’s foremost experts in each field, was held to discuss the suffering of people who have been affected by these acts and the ways in which their lingering pain should be approached and relieved. The findings of this symposium, compiled by leading authorities Carl Anderson and Father Livio Melina, form the basis ofOil on the Wounds: A Response to the Aftermath of Divorce and Abortion.

The book is divided into two sections. The first section deals with the aftermath of divorce, its long-term effects on the social lives of children, and the ways in which the Church can offer compassion and counsel to those affected. The second section addresses the issue of abortion, the pain that results from ending a pregnancy, and what the Church’s role should be in the alleviation of that pain. The text relies on sociological and psychological perspectives to illuminate these “wounds,” and suggests both practical and spiritual methods of healing. Inspired by the biblical story of the Good Samaritan, this volume asks us to recognize the profound torment left in the wake of divorce and abortion. It urges us to act accordingly in the face of these ordeals―to shoulder the burden of the tormented in an attempt to one day alleviate their suffering by the grace of God.

Ultimately, this collection of essays is meant to create a dialogue, promote recognition of those psychologically and spiritually harmed by divorce or abortion, and explore our duty to listen to these victims and, like the Good Samaritan, “bandage” their wounds. This book is for laymen, professionals, and clergy who seek to understand the issues not only from a religious point of view, but also from a human perspective.
