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Pantalones cortos de verano perfectos para mantenerte fresco mientras combates el calor del verano.
A rosary is a set of prayer beads that connects our hearts with the unconditional motherly love of Mary as she leads us step by step, bead by bead through the life of her Son and the wonders of His love. As you hold this rosary, feel the lineage of the thousands of hearts linked together through the rhythm of the Rosary. May His ultimate healing be with you and may your journey with Him be strengthened through the Rosary.
This rosary holds the Christus Vincit crucifix, Jesus Christ Conquers. The crucifix is a summary of our faith and can be used as a teaching tool for others. It profoundly demonstrates God’s love for each and every person. Through the crucifix came our salvation. It is a symbol of victory and glory, a beautiful summary of the Christian faith.
Rosary of Love Crystal Pearl Rosary comes in a box with an inspirational card with Knights of Columbus Logo.
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