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Pantalones cortos de verano perfectos para mantenerte fresco mientras combates el calor del verano.
Our Lady of Guadelupe Faux Jute Tilma
The most authentic reproduction of the actual tilma of Saint Juan Diego and image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Unique faux jute HD sublimated image featuring 85,000 shades of color, honors all the details of the 490 year old original.
Available in two sizes, this is the perfect addition to any home, office, church and for use at events.
Free gift of (1) 4-1/2" x 9" Miniature Tapestry and (1) Blessing Pouch with every purchase!
Shipping is included in the price.
Available sizes:
Family: 20" x 35"
Original: 35" x 70"
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