Official Trusted Partner of the Knights of Columbus

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Former District Deputy Ring


Material: Sterling Silver


Rings will be shipped to your home upon completion and are non-returnable. Expedited shipping is not available.

The handsome and strong Former District Deputy Ring honors the hard work of being the District Deputy and serving your brother Knights with the FDD carved into the top of the ring!  The stone represents the color of the Office - Red and the engraving features the Blessed Father McGivney!

Please note that each ring is custom made to your ring size.  If you dont know your ring size please click on this link and learn how you can download our  RING SIZER APP

 Due to the fluctuating metals market, pricing is subject to change.

Gold plating is not permanent and will wear off the sterling silver ring over time. This will vary from person to person depending on the owners wear. If you want a forever gold finish ring please purchase a10 karat or 14 karat  quality. Silver rings might tarnish over time but can be brought back to shine with a silver polishing cloth.
